One more week. Count down has started. It seems endlessly far away and utterly close. I get nervous when I look at my calendar. My to-do list is shorter, but not gone. I keep on adding stuff.

“Very nice that blog about traveling, leaving your home, and entering the great unknown,” a friend says to me, “yet you only go to places where you’ve already been.” Erh, yea… I’ve swallowed my tongue. “That is true,” is my questionable answer.

National Liberation day (May 5th in NL) leads to contemplation, as a fact. My freedom ends at the border of somebody else’s. That’s why I like to explore the freedom within myself.

My most valuable possession – and my biggest burden – is my house. A cosy ’30’s house with an underwater mortgage and wobbly foundation. Quite a worry for a freelancer in Art and Culture.